Ken Wilson Memorial

Citations and images of Ken Wilson's climbing career

Citations and images of Ken Wilson’s climbing career

This was held on Saturday, attended by Ken’s widow Gloria and their son Andrew and a large number of climbers, many traveling a distance to be there. The speakers covered the different aspects of Ken’s impact on climbing in Britain. Behind them was a series of photographs of Ken, from a serious young man to a more relaxed older one. The time before and after the event, in the bar, gave us the opportunity to tell all the other Ken stories, while meeting old friends. It was a fitting tribute to Ken’s achievements and committment to climbing, throughout his life.

We intend to publish the speakers’ scripts and the photographs used on the website.

I am very grateful to Ian Smith and Chris Harle, who took on the task of organising the whole event, they did a fantastic job.

Vic Odell, Secretary

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